Coming soon
Once Trading Challenge is confirmed from Trading 4x4 as passed, the trading is then expected to the Master Account with his broker in exactly the same way as he did with the Trading Challange. Once opened, the trader is expected to submit the trading account details in the form the provided by Then Trading 4x4 can objectively review the performance of this account.
The is no payment made to start trading in the master account. It is the benefit of passing the demo account that the user achieves. However the trades of the trader are not copied by Trading 4x4 slave account until the profit threshold level is achieved and the slave account activation fee is paid.
The rules of the master account are identical to the challenge itself with the addition of the 30% consistency rule. The Profit Threshold level is identical to the target level of the Trading Challenge.
Criteria for Activating the Slave Account
To successfully activate the Slave Account, the trader must meet the following criteria in his Master Account:
If the trader meets all conditions he shall then submit a request for review using the form provided in In the even that the trader has met all conditions except the 30% consistency rule, the trader will be given one extra chance to try again with a new Master Account. The trader must share the details of this new account with However, if the trader does not meet the conditions on the second attempt, they will be required to start again from the initial challenge.
Achieving the First Target in the Master Account: Reaching the profit threshold level with the 30% consistency rule
If confirms that the target and 30% consistency rule have been successfully met, the trader will be provided with a link to proceed with the one-time activation payment. This payment will initiate the activation of the slave account which shall use to replicate the trades from the trader’s Master Account. The slave trading account investor password shall be shared with the signal provider.
Being Compensated
Once a trader makes a profit in the slave account of $200 or greater from its starting balance, he or she is free to submit a request for compensation at any time. The request can be made through the form made available in The approved compensation will be then issued within two business days following the date of submission.
30% Consistency Rule After the Activation of Slave Account
The 30% consistency rule continues to apply after the activation fee has been paid. It switches however to the 30% consistency rule of the Slave account instead of the Master account.
For example, if a trader makes $200 in profit but fails to meet the 30% consistency rule, he or she will need to continue trading until this rule is met. Only after fulfilling the 30% consistency requirement will the trader be eligible for compensation.
How long will a slave account be active
The trader shall be able to be compensated for 3 months in the slave account. If he wishes to continue, he shall need to communicate that will and will agree on the step forward. Depending on the performance, may agree to continue at no extra cost, or request another Slave Account activation fee in order to proceed.
At the end of the 90 day period the trader will be automatically compensated with 90% of the profits in the slave trading account, unless there is a mutual agreement to continue.
The Drawdown Rule After the Activation of Slave Account
The drawdown rule changes, it is no longer a trailing drawdown just like it was in the Master account. Only a fixed drawdown from the starting balance is applied.
30% Consistency Rule After the Activation of Slave Account
The 30% consistency rule continues to apply after the activation fee has been paid. It switches however to the 30% consistency rule of the Slave account instead of the Master account.
Trading 4x4 is still under testing conditions — no challenges shall be fulfilled, thank you. Dismiss